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Great Rivers Dental

Quality Personal Dental Care for the Entire Family
Dr Wilson

Meet The Doctor

Dr. Wilson has been a practicing Dentist at our location in Greenville, IL for over two years. She comes to Bethalto with a love of dentistry and a passion for helping people.

mom and daughter

Highly Qualified Team Members

At Great Rivers Dental, we only hire the most qualified people to work at our Bethalto office. Providing excellent customer service is at the very heart of our mission, and it is something we take very seriously. We want to make sure every person on our staff understands that patients come first, and this makes a difference in the overall atmosphere at our office. Everyone from the front desk staff to the dentist herself will reflect that set of values. Not only are we concerned about our team members having the right attitude at Great Rivers Dental, but we also want to make sure they have the skills needed to provide you with quality dental care. We require ongoing career development and continuing education for our staff so we can serve you better. The dental field is always being updated with new tools and techniques, and we want to make sure we stay current for our patients. Our highly trained staff is at the top of their field, so you can expect the very best from them when you come in for a visit.

smiling family

Full-Service Dental Care

Great Rivers Dental, is a full-service dental office, and we are experienced in both cosmetic dentistry procedures and family dentistry. We do all the basics, such as cleaning and checkups, but we also provide a full range of specialty services, such as teeth whitening, crowns, and even dentures. For a more comprehensive look at our services, please take a look at the other pages on this website. For an overall view, please go to our Services Index, or call the office in Bethalto. Scheduling an appointment with us is easy: Simply pick up the phone and call our staff at the main desk to request a time that is convenient for you. If this is your first visit with us, we recommend an exam and consultation, so we are able to develop a treatment plan that will suit your individual dental care needs. Contact us today to get started!

Bethalto’s Professional Dental Office

Welcome to Great Rivers Dental, a dental office where we practice both cosmetic and family dentistry. Our well-equipped facility is located in Bethalto, IL, and we are dedicated to serving our community in every way we can. Our spotless office provides the perfect environment for us to offer you the very best in dental care, and we take every step possible to ensure you are always treated well when you are with our team. Our doctor and caring team pride themselves in giving you the highest quality, most comfortable dental care in a relaxed state-of-the-art environment. At our office, the focus is on you, the patient. You will see this in practice through our sincere interest in you and your dental health. Everyone on our staff constantly strives to provide patients with the best experience. Our reception has comfortable chairs for you to relax in prior to your appointment, along with soothing music. In our treatment areas, we also feature comfortable chairs surrounded by modern equipment that will help make your visit a smooth one. Our staff uses the latest technology to help keep your smile beautiful and healthy.

Call Us Today to Schedule Exceptional Dental Care


708 E. Bethalto Drive
Bethalto, IL 62010



Hours of Operation

Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

708 E Bethalto Dr, Bethalto, IL 62010, USA

We Help You Afford the Care You Need and Deserve!

Great Rivers Dental provides an in-house dental wellness plan, accepts most major dental insurance plans, and will work with you to find the best option for your needs.

Save Money with Our
In-House Dental Wellness Plan

Learn More


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We Accept All Major Credit Cards

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